Polish Roman Catholic Union of America E&O Program
The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America sponsored Agents’ Errors and Omissions policy provides Claims Made and Reported coverage for negligent acts, errors or omissions arising in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services as a licensed life, accident and health agent or general agent.
Enroll Now for a 1/1/2025 and later Eff DateProgram Benefits Include:
Enroll online in minutes
Limit of Liability Options
$2,500,000 or $5,000,000
Loss Only Deductible
$-0- Deductible for Polish Roman Catholic Union of America products
50% Deductible for first claim within last 3 years
Insolvency Exclusion carveback for Polish Roman Catholic Union of America products
Contact Us
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(800) 745-7189
*The information obtained from A.M. Best dated November 22, 2023 is not in any way CalSurance Associates’ warranty or guaranty of the financial stability of the insurer in question, and that the information is current only as of the date of publication.